- a siege of herons or bitterns
- a plump of wildfowl
- a gaggle of geese
- a skein of geese (flying)
- a herd of swans, cranes or curlews
- a badelyng of ducks
- a sord (or sute) of mallards
- a spring of teal
- a company of widgeon
- a cast of hawks
- a bevy of quail
- a covey of partridges
- a nuster of peacocks
- a nye of pheasants
- a brood of chickens
- a covert of coots
- a congregation of plovers
- a desert of lapwings
- a wisp (or walk) of snipe
- a fall of woodcock
- a bazaar of guillemots (murres)
- a flight of doves or swallows
- a murmuration of starlings
- an exaltation of larks
- a watch of nightingales
- a building of rooks
- a chattering of choughs
- a host of sparrows